Conflict of Interest Policy

Statement of Policy

As a Continuity employee or contractor, you must comply with the following:

1. You are not permitted to solicit for, or to receive, any favors, gifts, contributions, or any other form of personal compensation from any foreign government official, representative, employee, or persons associated with any foreign government in any way.

2. You are not permitted to solicit for, or to receive, any favors, gifts, contributions, or any other form of personal compensation from any Non–Continuity contracting officials, including fellow contractors serving in positions of authority or responsibility, either directly or indirectly in your chain of command.

3. You are not permitted to associate, fraternize, or otherwise form relationships with, any persons with whom such a relationship would give the appearance of impropriety or otherwise facilitate a conflict of interest. This includes, but is not limited to, government or fellow contractor personnel.

4. You are not permitted to form relationships with, or otherwise fraternize with, any person or organization that MAY pose threats to any member of the U.S. Government, coalition forces, or members of any foreign government.

5. You are required to know, and adhere to, all behavior, protocol, security, safety, counterintelligence, and force protection policies and procedures in place for each individual effort that you support.

6. You are required to know, and adhere to, all Continuity behavior, protocol, security, safety, counterintelligence, and force protection policies and procedures.

7. You are required to maintain a professional demeanor, and to conduct yourself in a manner consistent with U.S. Government protocol, at all times, including while on and off duty, while attending any government or non-government social event, and while on leave or travel.